PROTECTORS Proposal for Cybersecurity in HealthCare and Energy Secors

AfIC participates in the consortium of 15 partners from 11 E.U. countries  for the proposal PROTECTORS “PROtecTing hEalthcare ecosystem by advanced CybersecuriTy framewORk and toolS”, under H2020 call “SU-DS05-2018-2019: Digital security, privacy, data protection and accountability in critical sectors”. PROTECTORS contributes towards the management of cybersecurity and privacy risks and the implementation of security measures in the Healthcare and Energy sectors. It aims at identifying common and specific vulnerabilities, propagation effects and counter measures valid for these sectors while also developing, within an integrated framework, proof-of-concepts of innovative cybersecurity and privacy-aware information-sharing solutions for both sectors. PROTECTORS will thus actively contribute to the practical implementation of relevant EU legislation (NIS Directive, GDPR but also eIDAS) and provide an integrated framework and tools (system prototypes), perfectly aligned with the sector-specific needs, that healthcare and energy stakeholders need to ensure that the highest levels of protection, data integrity and confidentiality are provided to European citizens as they receive care and travel. The PROTECTORS framework and system prototypes will be demonstrated in operational pilots dedicated to ‘Smart Hospitals’ and ‘Home / Community Care’, which have been specifically selected to demonstrate the widest impact across the broader healthcare ecosystem by involving all stakeholders (e.g. security officers, ICT administrators, healthcare professionals and operators, auditors, medical device manufacturers, eHealth application developers and integrators, health telematics operators, data protection officers, etc.) and considering all types of data handled, with a special focus on personal and sensitive data.