Physical Activity Uptake by the Older Adults and Frailty: Results from a Longitudinal Study in 4 Countries

Frailty is a multidimensional concept characterized by the loss of reserves, including energy, physical ability, cognition, and health. The prevalence of frailty strongly increases with age and is a very serious threat to public health systems sustainability. The results of a 1 year intervention study in 4 European Countries (Greece, the UK, Spain and the Netherlands) studying the relationship between […]

Loneliness and Mental Health Related Quality of Life of the Very Old

In our recent article published in the International Journal of Environmental Research in Public Health (IJERPH, together with the Public health Department of Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam, 42% of the very old over 80 years in 5 countries has emotional and social loneliness and shows a strong correlation between loneliness and the quality of life of the elderly especially […]

First Consortium Meeting in Rotterdam for the VALUECARE Project

A good start is always important! In Rotterdam the partners of VALUECARE met together to discuss about the plans for designing and deployment the project in 7 European Countries, one of which is Athens, Greece with MS, Stroke and Parkinson Disease patients. VALUECARE is about listening of the needs and wishes of patients and co-creating with then health and social […]

The President of AfIC has been appointed as an advisor to the Mayor of Palaio Faliro for European Funded Projects

The President of AfIC Mr. Anastasios Rentoumis has benn appointed as an advisor to the Mayor of Palaio Faliro Mr. Ioannis Fostiropoulos for EU funded projects. It is the aim of the municipality through European Funds, to transform the local economy through digital innovations in the area of tourism and health and to promote innovation among young people in order […]

The future of HealthCare is Digital!

What holds the digital future for healthcare? Will healt professionals coordinate healthcare services through mobile-apps? app; What cybersecurity issues will emerge in healthcare ecoosystems in the cloud, at hospitals and smart home settings: How will Deep Learning/Reinforced Learing help in Cancer prevention, diagnosis, therapy and follow up? and what does the Greek NHS do to survive in the absolutely digital […]

Prevention of Loneliness, Frailty, Polyphamacy and Falls among Senior European Adults, Journal of Advanced Nursing

In this paper, authors, including Anastasios Rentoumis and Athina Markaki from AfIC, seeked to evaluate specific process components of the Urban Health Centres Europe project; “a coordinated preventive care approach aimed at healthy ageing by decreasing falls, polypharmacy, loneliness and frailty among older persons in community settings of five cities in the United Kingdom, Greece, Croatia, the Netherlands and Spain” […]

PROTECTORS Proposal for Cybersecurity in HealthCare and Energy Secors

AfIC participates in the consortium of 15 partners from 11 E.U. countries  for the proposal PROTECTORS “PROtecTing hEalthcare ecosystem by advanced CybersecuriTy framewORk and toolS”, under H2020 call “SU-DS05-2018-2019: Digital security, privacy, data protection and accountability in critical sectors”. PROTECTORS contributes towards the management of cybersecurity and privacy risks and the implementation of security measures in the Healthcare and Energy […]

Project ValueCare Horizon 2020

Great success for AfIC! Participating as a partner in a consortium of 17 European partners from 8 countries, including UNIVERSITY COLLEGE DUBLIN, ERASMUS MEDICAL CENTER, FONDAZIONE BRUNO KESSLER, and from Greece Vodafone Innovus, Athens Medical Center and VIDAVO project of VALUECARE (VALUE-BASED METHODOLOGY FOR INTEGRATED CARE SUPPORTED BY ICT). The project, funded by the EU H2020 program, has a total […]