New Board of Directors at AfIC

Following the 3rd General Assembly and the elections for the new Board of Directors. As of today, President of the Association is Mr. Anastasios Rentoumis, Vice President Mr. George Roupas, General Secretary Mrs. Myrto Marinaki, Treasurer Mrs. Athena Markaki and Member Mr. Alexandros Panagiotakopoulos. We wish everyone every success in their work!

3rd General Assembly of AfIC

The 3rd General Assembly of AfIC will be held at HIGGS, Victor Hugo 15, Monastiraki, on Saturday, May 11, 2019, from 15:00 to 17:30. The items on the agenda are as follows: 1. Registering New Members 2. Election of the President and Secretary of the General Assembly 3. Reading and Validation of Proceedings No. 02 of the General Assembly of […]

Presentation of the IntelTriage project at the 3rd Health Innovation Conference in Athens

The project IntelTriage was presented by the President of the WHO at the 3rd Health Innovation Conference in Athens. The full title of the project is “Intelligent A&E and Hospital Clinics System for Medical Triage”, is implemented by the collaborator of AfIC, VIDAVO in cooperation with INBIS, University of Piraeus and the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. According to POEDIN, the […]

AfIC in Rijeka, Croatia for the 7th International Symposium Health for All

On May the 10th 2019, Mr. Anastasios Rentoumis will coordinate the 3rd Workshop of the International Symposium “Health for All?”, organized by the Medical School of the University of Rijeka, Croatia.  Mr. Rentoumis, also a member of the Organizing and Scientific Committee of the Symposium will discuss social innovation in healthcare, how m-health apps disrupt health care service delivery and […]

ΑfIC In the Consortium of the H2020 Proposal VALUECARE

AfIC participates in the Consortium of partners that submitted on April the 24th 2019, the proposal VALUECARE towards the H2020-SC1-DTH-2018-2020 Call (Digital transformation in Health and Care). VALUECARE will deliver efficient outcome-based integrated (health and social) care to older people facing cognitiveimpairment, frailty and multiple chronic health conditions in order to improve their quality of life (and of their families) […]