ValueCare Project Animation Video Clip

AfIC, has created an animation video clip for the H2020 project ValueCare.

In Athens, and at the Municipality of Palaio Faliro, the target group for the ValueCare project is older adult patients over the age of 65 (and their informal caregivers), suffering from Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and living independently in the community after hospitalization. This pilot will use both the VALUECARE app and the back-end digital solution. In addition, the target group and the informal carer (family member, peer) can receive online psychosocial support via a help-desk service operating via the online digital solution (teleconference sessions). AI/ML algorithms will be developed to (1) detect patterns of behaviours that keep patients healthy and active at home for longer periods of time as well as (2) patterns of behaviours that can predict deterioration of frailty status and underlying disease and give prognostic information.

For more information on the ValueCare project visit